Friday, November 14, 2014

It happened

After finishing up some homework, getting the kids settled in to bed, and decorating the house for my soon to be 4-year-old, I sat down tonight with one goal in mind; create this blog. In the midst of my researching, generating, and complaining about coming up with a name, my sister called me. I whined to her a bit about how I was having a difficult time originating something that felt right, and after laughing and throwing other ideas up in the air she said "What about under the influence?" 

OMG Becky! Love. That. Name. So fitting, so me. 

I don't care who you are, or what you do, you're under the influence of something. 
...the list goes on. 

**Think about it**

And just like that, BAM. Shannon's blog was born. You're welcome. 


  1. Great name!!! Can't wait to read your blog!!

  2. Yay!!!! Good thing I have popcorn on hand!

  3. Congratulations! Love the name!!

  4. And with age most of these you don't even think about. But money for alcohol is a big one haha.
