Thursday, August 20, 2015

Message in a bottle, or blogpost. Same thing.

So, I started making a video to share with you, but it's weird watching myself. Instead, you just get to read my words and I'll spare you from looking at my silliness. 

I came across a question last week that said "If you had 30 seconds to share something with the world, what would it be?" I loved that question so much I figured I'd take my 30 seconds and run with it. (Warning: this may or may not be longer than 30 seconds. Don't judge, or read faster.)

First of all, I know many of you have been following my posts on Facebook and Instagram, and have seen a different side of me lately. You've had a glimpse at some of my struggles, and have watched me kick some of my doubts right in the ass. There's been highs, lows, and LOTS of soul searching going on over here. It's been a difficult road but I can tell you this, I truly have found my passion again. Deep down I knew I was capable of so much more, I just couldn't find my motivation. It wasn't that I didn't want the change, it was that I wasn't making any decisions to change. I feel like signing up for this crazy trail run (which I still want to puke about by the way) was the first step. I needed to prove to myself that I AM A BADASS, so I needed to start living like one! The countdown to Kansas is on and all I can think about is crossing that finish line...or my brother carrying me. Whichever works, right? 

Ok, getting back to my "sharing with the world" story...

I really believe that if you're struggling with who you are, tired of going with the flow of life, or just don't know what you're passionate about anymore, look for it. 
Dig deep.
Go out and try new things. 
Make time. 
Live a little! 

It can be scary, but in the end it's worth it. If you're serious about changing your life and becoming the badass you truly are, you'll find a way to do it. If not, continue on with your excuses. Trust me when I say this, only you can decide to be happy. 

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